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Wooden area in front of the deparment
Çizgi TAGEM - E-Kampus Eğitim Setleri
Bilişime Giriş, MS Office ve Uygulama Programları, Bilgisayar Donanım ve Ağ Teknolojileri, Bilgisayar Mühendisliği ve Gömülü Sistemler, Yazılım Mühendisliği ve Bilişim Güvenliği Eğitimleri.
Çizgi Tagem uzaktan eğitim platformu Bilişim ve Elektronik alanında 1,400 saatten fazla video ve görsel eğitim, 90,000 sayfadan fazla teknik ve teknolojik doküman içerir
AcademicEarth - DATA
Fundamental dynamic data structures, including linear lists, queues, trees, and other linked structures; arrays strings, and hash tables. Storage management. Elementary principles of software engineering. Abstract data types. Algorithms for sorting and searching. Introduction to the Java programming language...
Gömülü Sistem Çalıştayları
Bu eğitimimizde Texas Instruments MSP 430 ve Tiva C Series TM4C123G Mikro Denetleyicileri ile TI Üniversite programı çerçevesinde yapılan çalıştayların videolarını ve state-machine.com sitesinde Dr. Miro Samek tarafından anlatılan “Embedded Systems Lessons” adlı online eğitimin Türkçe alt yazılı videolarını bulacaksınız.
Gömülü Sistem ve FPGA
Bu eğitim serimiz Çizgi Tagem bünyesindeki www.mcu-turkey.com platformu için hazırlanan Gömülü Sistemler ve FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array ) eğitim seminer videolarından oluşmaktadır.
Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering
Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering will (finally) launch on 20 January. This course has been taught at Rice University for several years as the introductory course for electrical engineering majors. It is structured somewhat differently than introductory electrical engineering courses taught at other universities.
Introduction to ThermoDynamics
This course will introduce the core concepts necessary to understand energy transfer. We will focus on large scale power systems, such as the power plants that provide stationary power around the world, as well as small scale systems, like cell phones and microprocessors.
Introduction of Power Electronics
Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering will (finally) launch on 20 January. This course has been taught at Rice University for several years as the introductory course for electrical engineering majors. It is structured somewhat differently than introductory electrical engineering courses taught at other universities.
Electric Testing and Maintenance
Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering will (finally) launch on 20 January. This course has been taught at Rice University for several years as the introductory course for electrical engineering majors. It is structured somewhat differently than introductory electrical engineering courses taught at other universities.